Dryflumes are a relatively recent innovation and a number of these already exist.Currently the worlds largest Dryflume is at the unlikely location of SINGAPORE AIRPORT! Dryflumes are basically "Waterslides without Water"and are installed in dry locations.The worlds largest and most famous maker of Dryflumes is WIEGANDSLIDE in Germany.They made the one at Singapore Airport.I myself regard Dryflumes as a substitute for waterslides in locations where waterslides cannot be installed much like Dry ski slopes Etc.I have so far never experienced one as yet! I am suprised that there are not more of them as they use no energy and can be installed in unlikely locations! Does anyone know more? Are Dryflumes worthy of attention by flumers? I think they are!
I know such slides from playgrounds
The one in singapore is only "little bit" bigger
The Kurpfalz-Park in Wachenheim (Germany) has some outdoor slides. I think there are many outdoor parks with non-water slides. The one at Singapore Airport realy looks interresting and should be fast, if the friction is not too high. Do you know if some kind of mat is used in the slide? Otherwise it depends on your clothes how fast you will get on such slides.
Here is a video of the slide in singapore: -
Many leisure parks have the freefall slides Wiegand uses as waterslides, but then as a dry version. You slide down with a jute mat. I've tried such a slide once without such a mat and I regret it because my shoes were destroyed after that. You become so damn fast on these slides.
The slide in Singapure looks awesome. In Klosters Madrisa (CH) there is even a dry slide from Klarer with a length of approx. 80 m, it is a typical waterslide from fiberglass, but then without water. Looks quite cool.
The dryflume in Waldkirch, Germany, seems to be a very great slide. The Slide is over 180 metres ! long and has intensive drops. Produced by atlantics.